Our Vision


Koala Karity is a company founded on 1 principle: "give more than you receive".


As a result, Koala Karity wants to place Donations to Charities at the heart of its activity.

To do so, most of the profits will be redirected to Donations.

Koala Karity believes that a business fueled with Goodwill and Generosity can be successful,
and we want to prove that Prosperity can be reached Wisely and Responsively.

What is Koala karity?


Koala Karity is a Twitch Channel that focuses on Gaming content

and interacting with its Community. 


The Channel follows a Schedule, with specific Dates & Times for the Live streams, with different Games from our Backlog, and

with fun Concepts to get the Community involved.


Most of the of financial support received from our Community will
be added on top of our monthly Donations.

How does it work?


Koala Karity chooses a Charity every month and donates with its own resources, regardless of the support from its Community. 


The Community can also support the Twitch Channel with monthly Subscriptions, and most of it will be added to our monthly Donations.


Koala Karity will be 100% transparent about its Donations, and will produce a monthly report to highlight the support received from its Community.

Why can you trust Koala karity?


First, Koala Karity guarantees that a donation will be done every month, with its own resources, regardless of the financial support it received from its Community. This proves that Koala Karity places Donations at the heart of its activity, and that it does not depend on the support of its Community.


Secondly, Koala Karity is founded on 1 principle: "give more than you receive".  It means that between 60% and 80% of the Twitch Subscriptions will be redirected to the Charity (and this is based on what is left ONCE Twitch has taken 50% of the Subscriptions away!).
This proves that Koala Karity is donating the majority of what it generates.


Finally, Koala Karity strongly believes in Honesty & Transparency, and wants to take these 2 values to the next level.

As a result, Koala Karity will produce accurate & transparent reports on a monthly basis.

It will provide a breakdown of the Donation and highlight the support of the Community.

Who is behind koala karity?


Hi everyone, thank you for taking the time to read more about the company!


My name is Jonathan and I am the founder of Koala Karity.  I am in my thirties, and I would describe myself as open-minded, thoughtful, passionate, funny, kind, loyal, and definitely improvement-oriented.

I am fascinated by anything related to the space or the universe, I also love vintage cars (from 1960 and onwards),

and gaming has been a hobby for as far as I can remember – with RPG, Adventure, Shooter or Racing games.

I try to live each moment by following a set of principles & values, which I believe can contribute to a better world:

Respect, Honesty, Tolerance and... Kareness. 🐨


There is more to say about why I have set up Koala Karity, and why I have set it up this way. You can find further details about this below.


By the way... Why a Koala??

I always have loved koalas. I remember being in College and reading through massive encyclopedias to gather as many details as possible about them. I was writing down the most interesting details about their behaviours or anatomy, in order to learn them.

It has been my spirit animal for many years, "following" me through the different periods of my life.

Far from pretending to be one (fortunately for my soulmate! 😄), I still believe that there is a little bit of them within me. I am very passionate about things, which means that I do not let go easily; probably just like them with their branch or their eucalyptus!

Why a company with this business model?


Why setting up a company?

I have been working as an employee during 10+ years, in a couple of companies of various sizes, and within different industries.
Unfortunately I realized that the core values I want to live by – such as Dedication to others or Honesty – are very rare in most working environments...  Sometimes these values simply does not exist, or are not being rewarded.

So the goal was to establish on my own a working environment that would entirely be based on my core values,  and that would allow me to share my devoted approach and my honest Vision.


Besides, when you want to bring such a Business Model to Twitch, you have to ensure that people can trust you and monitor what you do.

And Koala Karity is all about Honesty & Transparency: so in my opinion, setting up a company was the most serious & professional way to apply this Vision. 


Why donating most of the profits?

The main principle behind Koala Karity is: "give more than you receive".

It comes from a belief shared by a lot of people around the world, which considers that

the source of Happiness is rather to give than to receive.

And when creating Koala Karity, I wanted to place this philosophy at the heart of its foundations.


My personal motivation was to support a wide range of causes, as long as they are helpful for people in need

or as long as they are striving for more Open-mindeness, Tolerance & Respect.


It's a positive thing to donate every month, but sometimes I felt like my own little donation was not doing enough unfortunately.

So the goal was to leverage the amount of the donation thanks to the support of the Community, in order to make them more impactful.


Two great things about Koala Karity:

1) the support from the Community is optional because Koala Karity will donate on a monthly basis wether or not it received some support.

2)  the support from the Community is secondary because it will never replace Koala Karity's donation, it will just be added on top of it.


Why opting for Live streaming?

I have been thinking about setting up a company like Koala Karity for a long time. Initially I wanted to go with clothing, then merchandising in general, and I even thought about partnering with independent artists (for drawings, paintings, etc.).

But when you try to apply this Business Model to tangible goods, it becomes extremely hard or impossible to maintain a company afloat.


First, the financial investment that you have to make at the beginning of your journey can be huge for tangible goods.

Live streaming offers a cheaper & quicker way to start things up.


Secondly, Production and Shipping costs made it difficult to allocate most of your profits to Donations for Charities. 

Yes, Twitch takes away a good chunk of it. But they also provide a great tool in order to interact with a Community.


And at the end of the day, the value-added behind Koala Karity is not a tangible good.

The real value of Koala Karity is its own Vision, is its dedication to different causes, and is its Honesty & Transparency.

And the best way to share it was to do it myself, by doing what I love to do, and by interacting with people who share the same Vision.

Finally, it's safe to say that the events from 2020 did impact us in many ways.
Overall, our social interactions were very limited for a long period of time, and new sources of stress & anxiety popped up along the way.

Personally, I always have felt the need to connect with people who can share my passion and my Vision. But after 1 year spent in confinement, this need became critical, and finally building these connections became a priority.


There were many reasons for Koala Karity to choose Live streaming.

It's allowing us to apply our Vision and our Business Model without any restriction.

It also stood for the best way to connect with people who share this Vision, as well as the best way to spread the Kareness! 🐨