Koala Karity is a company founded on 1 principle: "give more than you receive".
As a result, Koala Karity wants to place Donations to Charities at the heart of its activity.
Koala Karity will support a cause by donating every month, regardless of the revenues it made during that month.
We want to support a wide range of causes, as long as they align with our values:
Opened-mindeness, Tolerance, Respect, Honesty... and Kareness! 🐨
But Koala Karity goes further as it will also redirect most of the profits it makes to its monthly donations.
Most of the support received from our Community will be added to the monthly donations we make with our own resources.
Please read more about our Business Model by visiting the web page dedicated to our Twitch Channel.
Finally, Koala Karity strongly believes in Honesty & Transparency, and wants to take these 2 values to the next level.
That's why Koala Karity will produce accurate & transparent reports on a monthly basis.
It will provide a breakdown of the Donation and highlight the support of the Community.
Multiple times a year, Koala Karity will donate with its own resources to support one or more causes.
For its fourth year, Koalal Karity will keep the approach chosen last year.
Indeed, we reduced the pace by focusing on 1 Charity during few months. This allowed us to donate more to 1 specific Charity,
and it made it easier for the Community to know which Charity is the current one -- as opposed to changing every 30 day during the first year.
Moreover, the approach chosen last year was also based on the events happening worldwide. And it only feels right to be flexible and change the Agenda of Charities depending on the cause(s) that need help urgently. It was the case with Ukraine that needed support -- and still does.
And once again, we will put aside the original Agenda of Charities that we had in mind in order to focus on the emergencies as best as we can.
It's always very hard to make a choice. But Koala Karity wants to stay consistent with its new approach. And according to the small means that we have, the only right choice for us to properly support a Charity, is to focus on one at a time (instead of 12+ charities during our first year).
During 2024, Koala Karity supported UNICEF (UK) twice and ensure that the donated money goes
to children impacted by the Gaza crisis. We already donated to the UNICEF last year. And as they have a
special program to help all the children, it makes sense for us to extend our support to this Charity.
It's easy to donate here, and all the support will address urgent needs such as medicine, clean water and mental health support.
UNICEF has a lot of experience with this type of situations. Already a lot of hospitals are no longer functional (even if they
are used as shelters), so families need these resources urgently, to help the survivors and protect the children.
As always, you can find all the details about our donations and the timeline on our website.
Finally, also don't forget that Koala Karity is donating with its own resources, and that the support from
the Community is an extra bonus being redirected on top of our own donation. 💝
Koala Karity will produce accurate and transparent reports on a monthly basis. It will highlight the resources used by Koala Karity and the support received from the Community.
You can track which donations Koala Karity has done in the past. Feel free to download the full Donations History.
We will ensure that it is up-to-date months after months.
* Please note that the Agenda can change anytime in order to support any emergency *